Our recent welcome rains have brought some blooms to the garden. The Cenizo (Texas Sage) only blooms after a rain (just watering won't do it). Mine burst into bloom the first day it rained!
I have several clumps of Blood Lily that bloom every fall. It's one of my favorite plants. There was no sign of them until the rain and they shot up overnight and are now in full bloom. Amazing!
I have a love/hate relationship with cenizo--when it blooms it is so beautiful! But when it gets leggy and doesn't have adequate drainage, it's kinda gross. Yours is gorgeous!!
these are beautiful! so glad that you finally got some rain!
Ahhhh, gotta have that Blood Lily!
Cheers, Alice
I have a love/hate relationship with cenizo--when it blooms it is so beautiful! But when it gets leggy and doesn't have adequate drainage, it's kinda gross. Yours is gorgeous!!
What beautiful flowers. I can't imagine gardening in December. My garden is under two feet of snow and won't emerge until, maybe, April.
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